Belief Coding®️

Belief Coding®️

Transforming Lives - One Belief at a Time


Belief Coding®️ is a technique created and developed by our founder Jess Cunningham. Belief Coding®️ uses elements of Psychology, NLP, CBT, EFT, Meditation, Matrix-Reimprinting, Emotion Coding, Kinesiology, and Energy Healing. It works with the subconscious to overcome, resolve and diffuse trapped trauma.

Each facilitator goes through training, observational sessions, and written assessments. Belief Coding®️ is accredited by The CPD Certification Service.



All therapists on this site and at our events do not claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. Their opinion is that of a holistic, complementary and alternative therapist and their professional opinions, advice, examinations and recommendations do NOT constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician.