
Hi, I’m Janet. I became an Energy Therapist after an awakening of consciousness. My soul was brought out of my body and home, back to its Source, and its pure state of unconditional love, peace, joy, and light.

This profound event was a catalyst to a series of other heightened and out of body experiences that taught me about our formlessness in form, our Divinity and Humanity, and about unity and duality.

We are here to learn and evolve through creating. We create matter and what we create matters. It matters because it is either created through fear or through love.  In separation from our Divinity or in unity with our Divinity.

Learning love can be a tough gig. Usually, we don’t learn or expand the easy way. Often, we truly learn when it hurts. Either we change our energy, or our energy changes us, typically through conflict or illness. However, these darker experiences of fear, pain, grief, loss etc., expand our capacity for light and can guide us back to the truth of the love that we are.

My job is to help you with that. Energy Therapy identifies where we are creating blocks in our energy; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, integrating the wisdom from the experience, and alchemising it back to love. That’s how we raise our vibration and evolve in consciousness. It happens within, by loving our humanness into Divine-ness.


It’s important to note while the participants at our events & on this site take their work very seriously, all consultations with the psychic & mediums listed are for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, nor should they ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. In addition, all holistic therapists listed do not claim to cure or diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. Their opinion is that of a holistic, complementary, and alternative therapist and their professional opinions, advice, examinations, and recommendations do not constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician.