Trinity Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Centre
4th floor, 12-14 College green, Dublin 2.

Located in the heart of Dublin City, Trinity Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Centre has consistently been a leading natural health practice for over 14 years. We specialise in the reliable and effective natural treatment of LOWER BACK PAIN, SCIATICA, SHOULDER PAIN, NECK PAIN and HEADACHES or any of a host of other structural or mobility ailments, for more than 14 years. We are renowned for our friendliness and our attention to detail with regard to overall patient care, is second to none. All our Practitioners are fully qualified, certified and insured. Our methods do not involve the use of drugs or surgery, but are indeed often used as a complimentary treatment for patients who are under the care of a Medical Doctor. Where necessary, our practitioners may refer patients to an appropriate Medical Specialist.

It’s important to note while the participants at our events & on this site take their work very seriously, all consultations with the psychic & mediums listed are for educational, spiritual, and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to, nor should they ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice. In addition, all holistic therapists listed do not claim to cure or diagnose any medical condition in the same way as a doctor/physician. Their opinion is that of a holistic, complementary, and alternative therapist and their professional opinions, advice, examinations, and recommendations do not constitute the medical advice of a doctor/physician.