Seamus Casey

Seamus Casey


My journey began for me on Christmas Day 2019 at 47 years of age and weighing 26 stone or 165kg. I was on 6 tablets a day for type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and I was also using a breathing machine at night for my sleep apnea on Christmas morning I woke up will bells palsy. In hindsight, this was the proverbial wall that I needed to hit.

I booked myself into a boot camp, similar to ours, and my journey began. I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say that was easy because it wasn’t, it was tough. Being away from my family and friends was hard for me but being away on my own gave me time to think and realise that I was doing the right thing. As they say, short-term pain for long-term gain. After three weeks at camp, I arrived home a much stronger person and 2 stone lighter (13.5kg). I had a new found confidence and most importantly I believed in myself and I had the will and desire to push on.

Step by step, day by day, and with loads of encouragement from family and friends I changed my life for the better and I’m now 10 stone or 65kg lighter. From walking one lap of a football pitch to running a full marathon, from binge eating to healthy eating, I am a new man and I am very proud of what I’ve achieved. And so too are my family which means the world to me.

Now I want to help and motivate you into doing the same and taking those first steps. Believe me when I tell you that taking those first steps will be the hardest part of your journey. But you owe it to yourself. Like so many that I’ve been lucky enough to meet on their own journey to a better version of themselves, you will not regret it. It’s not going to be easy, there will be fails along the way but our innate determination and stubbornness is a mighty tool when used wisely.